Have you recently suffered an injury caused by the negligence or wrongdoing of another? Don't let one accident turn your life upside down. Your personal injury attorney at the Law Office of Daniel Q. Mahone will seek the maximum compensation for your pain and suffering.

While physical wounds may heal, the financial hardship caused by an accident can disrupt your life for years. Whether you've been injured in a slip-and-fall, dog bite or medical malpractice, you're entitled to a settlement. Call 301-846-4252 today to discuss the details of your case with an experienced personal injury attorney.

Know what to do after an auto accident

Know what to do after an auto accident

With millions of cars on the road at any given time, it's no wonder auto accidents are one of the leading causes of injuries in the U.S. No matter who or what caused a crash on the road, the decisions you make afterward will have a profound impact on your recovery. If you've been involved in an accident, you should:

  • Call 911
  • Take as many pictures as possible at the scene
  • Receive a police report
  • Go the hospital even if you don't believe your injuries are serious
  • Contact an auto accident attorney for help

The Law Office of Daniel Q. Mahone has helped countless clients receive compensation after an auto accident. Contact your local auto accident attorney for assistance today.