Family Law

Contact a divorce attorney to guide you through the proceedings.

Family Law

Criminal Law

Let a criminal defense and DUI attorney protect your rights.

Criminal Law

Personal Injury

Hire a personal injury attorney to help you recover.

Personal Injury

Administrative Law

Reach out to an employment law attorney to settle disputes.

Administrative Law

Get the Legal Support You Need

Hire a criminal and family law attorney in Frederick, MD

Piles of paperwork, lengthy processes and complicated legal jargon can make anyone feel helpless. If you're facing a complex legal matter, you need a knowledgeable attorney to stand by your side. Contact the Law Office of Daniel Q. Mahone to retain a skilled criminal defense and family law attorney in the Frederick, MD area.

Since 1986, we've remained committed to upholding our clients' rights. Whether you're negotiating child custody, child support, felony charges, fighting criminal charges or seeking compensation for an injury, we're here to help. Call 301-846-4252 today to speak with a family law and criminal defense attorney in Frederick, MD.



How can an experienced attorney help you?

Our lead attorney, Daniel Q. Mahone, has been a trusted criminal defense attorney for decades. But you can count on us for a wide range of legal services. Contact the Law Office of Daniel Q. Mahone if you...

Your attorney will gather all the necessary paperwork and even attend many hearings on your behalf. Speak with your local criminal law, personal injury and family law attorney today.