Divorce is often one of the most stressful experiences in anyone's life. It can be difficult to know who to trust for help, but you don't have to go through this alone. Hire a compassionate divorce attorney from the Law Office of Daniel Q. Mahone in Frederick, MD. We'll help you and your family find the best possible outcome

Several factors must be considered in any divorce proceeding. Your divorce attorney will help with:

  • Alimony
  • Child support
  • Child custody
  • Division of assets

Any prenuptial and postnuptial agreements will also be reviewed. Call 301-846-4252 today to schedule an appointment.

Protect your parental rights

Protect your parental rights

Every child deserves to be raised in a loving and nurturing environment. Are you battling for your child custody rights? Contact the Law Office of Daniel Q. Mahone to speak with a child custody attorney. We have years of experience assisting our clients with:

  • Legal guardianship
  • Adoption
  • Parental rights
  • Contempt hearings

Custody gives you the power to make important decisions for your child's future. Continue to play a vital role in your child's life. Reach out to your local child custody attorney for a consultation.