Fight Back Against DUI Charges

Retain a skilled DUI attorney serving clients in the Frederick, MD area

Maryland takes any DUI or DWI infraction very seriously. Even for first-time offenders, a guilty conviction could mean heavy fines, jail time and suspending driving privileges. If you've been accused of driving while impaired or intoxicated, you need a top DUI attorney who can defend your rights in court. Contact the Law Office of Daniel Q. Mahone today to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney.

We'll gather all of the necessary evidence to seek dropped charges or a reduced sentence. Call today to schedule a consultation with a local criminal defense attorney in Frederick, MD.

Why trust attorney Mahone with your DUI case?

Why trust attorney Mahone with your DUI case?

Every detail matters in a criminal case, especially early on in an investigation. Waiting until you're appointed a public defender could be too late. Attorney Mahone will get to work right away, providing:

  • Detailed scrutiny of the evidence
  • Strong negotiating skills with police and prosecutors
  • Over 34 years of experience working with local judges

Our law firm will give you the best chance at avoiding a permanent criminal record or loss of your license. Reach out to our DUI attorney today to start discussing the details of your case.