Don't Go Through Divorce Proceedings Alone

Contact a local divorce attorney today in Frederick, MD

Divorce is one of the most stressful and emotional times in anyone's life. It can be difficult to know who to turn to for help, but you don't have to go through this process alone. Reach out to the Law Office of Daniel Q. Mahone to hire a compassionate divorce attorney in Frederick, MD. We'll stand by your side and look after your best interests during negotiations.

Drawing on more than three decades of experience, we've represented countless clients during divorce proceedings. Call today to set up a consultation with a skilled family law attorney.

Why do you need a divorce attorney?

Why do you need a divorce attorney?

While you technically can finalize a divorce without the help of a family law attorney, it's often in your best interest to have a legal professional by your side. Proceedings don't always go as smoothly as you might expect. Your divorce attorney will:

  • Understand specific divorce laws for different states
  • Help you maintain custody of your children
  • Fight for the highest possible alimony or child support payments
  • Push for a fair division of assets

Your spouse will likely hire an attorney of their own, so you never want to be left unprotected. Arrange for a consultation today to understand your best steps moving forward.